Experience Site user facing issue to access custom setting data in salesforce

 Hello Everyone,

My name is Akash Wadje I'm Trailhead Ranger with 190+ Badges and 3 X Salesforce certified Developer you can connect with me LinkedIn & YouTube.

Topic - How to resolve issue of Experience Site user unable to access custom setting data in salesforce.

So Let's begin,


Step 01 :

1. Go to setup & open relevant permission set.

2. Under 'System' Section >> Click on 'System Permission'.

3. Search for 'View All Custom Settings' & enabled it by checking checkbox as true and Save it.

Step 02 :

In this step we have to provide access for selected custom setting (based on our need) to all the user to which this permission set is going to be assigned.

1. Go to setup & open relevant permission set.

2. Under 'App' Section >> Click on 'Custom Setting Definitions' & click on 'Edit' to add custom setting.

3. Based on our requirement move the custom setting from 'Available Custom Setting Definitions' section to 'Enabled Custom Setting Definitions' section & click on Save.

All Done....!! Now, you can see this custom setting data in experience site for those user whom you assign this permission set.

If you have any doubts you can contact me .

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/akash-wadje-b2683214b/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1NO-lcBFqoqYepK8gD2FVw

Happy Learning....😀
