Solution for error assertion failed: unable to determine pricebook on this quote in salesforce cpq

Hello Everyone,

My name is Akash Wadje I'm Trailhead Ranger with 168+ Badges and 2 X Salesforce certified Developer you can connect with me LinkedIn & YouTube.
Today we will see How to resolve "assertion failed: unable to determine pricebook on this quote" issue in Salesforce CPQ

So Let's begin,


Where this Issue pop up

In Quote object (API Name : SBQQ__Quote__c) when we go to 'Edit Lines' & click on "Add Product" button this error pop up.


Reason :
The only one reason for this issue is all the price books mentioned in org is not Active (at least one should be active).

How to resolve this issue:
1. Go to Pricebook object
(API Name: Pricebook2)  and make the Active checkbox 'True' of the pricebook which you want to use.

Some time pricebooks are not visible in list in that case you can check avaliable pricebook entries using following query -
        select id,Name,IsActive from Pricebook2 

After this when you go to Quote > Edit Lines > then window pop up will shown from which you have to select price book > & according to pricebook entries Prooduct will be shown on 'Add product' screen.

Happy Learning....😀
