How to show message screen to user whenever they login into salesforce org using Login Flow functionality.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Akash Wadje I'm Trailhead Ranger with 190+ Badges and 3 X Salesforce certified Developer you can connect with me LinkedIn & YouTube.

Topic - How to show message screen to user whenever they login into salesforce org using Login Flow functionality.

So Let's begin,


Step 01 :

1. Create one simple Screen Flow & add your Messages into that screen box.

Step 02 :

1. Go to Setup & search for "Login Flow".

Step 03 :

1. Open "Login Flow" & click on New to create new login flow setup in which we are calling the screen flow that we had created in previous step.

Step 04 :

Whenever user with 'User License' you mentioned in step 03 login in salesforce org it will firstly open screen that we created in flow.

Lets connect over......!!!

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Happy Learning....😀
