Use of Combine Key field in Salesforce CPQ

 Use of Combine Key field :

Hello Everyone,

My name is Akash Wadje. I'm Trailhead Ranger with 165+ Badges and 2 X Salesforce certified Developer you can connect with me LinkedIn & YouTube for more such a content.

Today we will see Use of Combine Key in Salesforce CPQ

So Let's begin,


Assets with the same combine key are populated into a single quote line upon amendment or renewal in the new generated quote.

Using combine key we can calculate total quantity of two Asset records (for same product) on same Contract line item so that after renewal on that renewed quote, only one line for that asset with calculated asset quantity present..


    Asset Name : Television

On Contract Line Item = 00000001

Two Associate Asset line

1st Asset Quantity = 1

2nd Asset Quantity = 2


So after Renewal Quantity to be sent is 3 for that Asset Product on that renewal Quote.

Lets see practically, how we can achieve this using "SBQQ__CombineKey__c" field on Asset record.

On both the Asset populate same Combine Key = "Test000"

Now we renew the Service Contract,

On that Renewed Quote Quantity for that Asset is populated as 3.


If you have any doubts you can contact me .
