Generate Quote Document in Word & PDF both in Salesforce Cpq

Hello Everyone,

My name is Akash Wadje . I'm Trailhead Ranger with 159+ Badges and 2 X Salesforce certified Developer you can connect with me LinkedIn .

Today we will see How to allow user to Generate quote document file format from PDF to Word.

So Let's begin,


Step 01 :

Go to Setup > Object Manager > "User" and select "User Profile Page Layout".

Step 02 :

After Opening "User Profile Layout" drag and drop "Allow Output Format Change" field into available section and save it.

Step 03 :
Open your Quote record and below that click on the user under 'created by' field to make the "Allow Output Format Change" checkbox true for that User.

Open Quote record & click on User Name --
Make "Allow Output Format Change" checkbox true for that User record --

Step 04 :

Now, on that Quote Record click on "Generate Document" button.

Step 05 :

Previously we only have PDF option in "Output Format" now we also have MS Word option for Quote Document Generation.

Step 06 :

Select "Output Format" = MS Word and click on Save.

One Quote Document record will be created, Click on "View" button to download Quote Document in MS Word format file.

Finally, To download MS Word type of Quote Document

If you have any doubts you can contact me .

Happy Learning...…..!!!!
